We started Sevilla Photowalk as a group of two and little by little many other people joined us, without them nothing of this could’ve been possible.
diego – amateur photographer and master of ceremonies
Canon EOS 400D

In 2008 I organized my first photowalk in Mérida (Badajoz) due to the idea that came up in flickr: make a national photowalk in every city in the country. That experience taught me a lot: it was a fun activity, a very didactic one, that allowed me to take better photos and learn how to use my newly bought reflex camera. Organizing every event was the negative part because I had to insist to my friends and people I knew during weeks to try to convince them to join the activity. Sometimes it was almost stalking :-).
After the first photowalk I organized few more, almost 24 of them, in Mérida and when I moved to Sevilla I decided to keep it on this time using the platform meetup.com which made it much easier to keep in touch and spread the voice about the group.
Since we started, in may of 2017 we organized some photowalks with more than 40 asisstants, from different countries all around the world and its been a great activity at all levels.
anastasia – organizer, amateur photographer and mother of cats
Fujifilm Finepix X100 | Canon EOS 1000D

Before I started to organize the Photowalks I had a very limited photography knowledge. I have been to some expositions and had few photographers whos job I admired but little more than that. I barely had any idea of how to use my Fuji…
I joined Diego in this project because it was a great chance to learn, something that I have been willing for a long time. As he had some experience organizing photowalks before and he was also an amateur photographer I had no doubts.
Today after more than a year organizing our meetings I can say that I learned a lot and improved even more. During our first photowalk I had to shoot about 8 times in order to get a photo that would not be overexposed or underexposed and now I can manage my camera in all kind of situations.
I still have a lot to learn but I realized that the activities we organize in PHWK are the best way to improve your skills almost without being aware of it and not even to mention the great people you meet during de process. Little by little our group is growing and im really happy to be part of it. All of us, myself included are willing to be creative in order to organize even greater meetings each time.
Miguel – web developer and traveler
Nikon D3300

Photography always interested me a lot but I never had a chance to have a good camera. A year and a half ago I bought my reflex and joined the Photowalk Sevilla group without knowing anyone, just when I moved to Sevilla from Córdoba.
Since then I accepted photographic challenges, posted in my Instagram account, learned a little bit every day and read everything I could ir order to keep improving.
Today I am part of the ogranizers group of Photowalk Sevilla where I met a lot of amazing people.
Susana – amateur photographer and geeky
Canon 6D Mark II

It was with my first Huawei phone when I realized that Photography would be a passion in my life. I bought my first camera, a Sony EVIL, so small and yet so amazing, that I wanted to go deeper. In the beginning I was interested mostly in nature and lanscapes, wich was the inspiration to some projects that still are in progress (my very personal Utopia and Distopia of the world). But when I took my first Photography course was about Street Photography, and that’s my current focus.
At present, I’m pretending not only to tell that emotion, that feeling trapped in the moment, that unique person or situation, but to show another vision of what we use to see every day… The first one, is trying to tell a story or to imagine what is behind an image; the second one just want to manifest that reality can also be a fantasy.
Hugo – Sr developer, hiker and live lover photographer
Nikon D5100

As children, we were very excited when our parents and let us use the family camera, which was a reel, to make a photo or another, so we grew up with that illusion.
Digital times, in which we are immersed have allowed us, without the fear of pulling reels, to help us clear the fear of photographing.
Always with the emotion of making captures, back in 2014 I bought my first bridge camera, a Lumix FZ70, added to my passion for mountains but without any technical knowledge in photography, it helped me to improve my skills.
Everything was fine and then I met a fantastic person, his name is Alejandro Letrán and he is the best photographer I’ve ever known. He is the kind of person who encourages all the people around him to be better and in his eagerness, he caught me to me and together we squeezed poor Lumix and I became enamored with the lighting in the photographs.
Later my life brought me to Spain, I’m from Guatemala, and already in Seville I would meet the guys from PHWK, with whom I have understood perfectly because we share the same passion, photography and help us learn from each other.
Eduardo – humanist and curious soul

I always liked photography, the perspective and since I was a curious child I was lucky to have the best master: my father. I had a Nikon camera and a 6×6 and I soon learned how to reveal in black and white. Due to time and money issues I had to leave my hobby behind during my studies but about seven years ago I got my Lumix (Panasonic) versatile camera and could star over again.
When I moved to Sevilla two years ago I remembered how great it was to take a walk and make some shoots. But when I decided to try something new like going out with other people to make photos I had no idea that I would find much more than that: friendship, professionality, mental rest, competition and some wine. As time passed by our friendship made us be where we are now: organizing events for a great amount of people from different countries and creating and even more unite group.
Raquel – enthusiast and photography amateur

My first experience with photography occured during my end of school trip with my mom’s camera. I still have the photos I made in Italy.
Three years ago I dediced to buy my own reflex camera, a second hand Nikon D50 and start to learn how to use it by myself. I should recognize that I am not a kind of person that reads the instructions but I left the automatic mode behind a long time ago.
In may of 2017 I met with some people that I never met before to learn some tips and have a nice time. Today I am still a part of Photowalks Sevilla so there must be a reason for that…For many more years.
Special mention
Eva – the image of PHWK
Eva María Fernández Ponti, also known as evatux is a graphical and web designer. She designed the logo of this web which gained her our most sincere gratitude and admiration for her work. The logo that she designed and that heads all the pages of this web totally defines us and we love it.