
What is photowalk?

It is an group activity that is basically to walk around and make photos. Sound boring yes, but its not because every photowalk has a theme (or few of them), a circuit that goes with those themes and, above all, a group of people with a common interest: photography.

Why do we make photowalks?

Since the first photowalk, in 2008 the main objective is to learn: about photography, how to process your photos, the basic notions of photography, tricks and tips. That is why we always say the same thing at the beginning of each photowalk : if you don’t know then ask and someone will explain it to you and if you do know we invite you to share your knowledge with everyone.

Many people improved their photography skills so far and we intend to carry on organizing this kind of activities to keep learning.

The third time

After every event we usally stay in some bar to have a drink and talk about the photowalk. It became our little tradition and its as an important moment as a photowalk itself because it is a chance to share a relaxed moment with people with your same interests.

List of photowalks




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